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Get to Know Us

Welcome to our platform! We are dedicated to providing individuals with the information and techniques they need to become their own financial advisers. We believe that financial advice can be good, bad, or indifferent and that it's essential to be informed and empowered when making financial decisions.


Our platform offers guidance on defining your needs and developing a plan to achieve them, free from product bias. We demystify the financial services industry, providing general advice on all wealth strategies to help you make informed decisions.


Our goal is to empower you to take control of your finances confidently. As a generic financial planning service, we are committed to providing essential support, particularly for underserved communities that can benefit from avoiding high fees for mediocre advice and investment returns.


Join us on the journey to financial independence and take charge of your financial future with our practical and impartial advice.


About Tony Byrne.

Tony's humble beginnings in the East End of London were marked by financial struggles. His father's gambling addiction and his mother's frugal nature made for a challenging childhood. Despite the difficulties, Tony's parents provided a loving environment for him to grow up in.


One day, Tony's mother discovered a £5 note on the ground during a walk to the supermarket. Rather than spending it, she saved it, instilling in Tony the value of delayed gratification and discipline. This early lesson in financial management would prove invaluable later in life.


Tony initially pursued a career in accountancy but found it unfulfilling. While working as a tax specialist, he became interested in financial planning. He was inspired by his tax manager, who also worked as a financial planning manager.


Tony took a leap of faith and started his own financial and tax planning business, in a small back bedroom. He eventually rented office space and took on his first part-time secretary. The business grew steadily, approaching £100 million in funds under management. They planned to launch their own fund and introduce virtual advice and robo services to cater to client's different needs.


The business faced challenges and obstacles in their ambitious expansion plans. They navigated the complexities of the financial planning industry, competition from other firms, and shifting market trends.


Despite the challenges, Tony’s firm emerged as a successful firm of Chartered Financial Planners. Tony's journey taught him valuable lessons about discipline, delayed gratification, and the importance of mentorship. He found personal and financial fulfilment through his business, and his success is a testament to his hard work and dedication.


Tony Byrne is the Founder of Wealth Magic Club.


Beware Of The "Mischievous Minority"

Do you feel frustrated with the hit-or-miss financial planning from traditional advisers? It's time to take control of your financial future and be your own financial planner, with the correct information and techniques.


Our platform offers a step-by-step guide to help you define your financial needs and develop a personalised plan to achieve your goals. We pride ourselves on empowering our clients to run their finances, and we help demystify the financial services industry.


Our unique financial technology stack and support services provide you with all the tools you need to manage your finances confidently. We don't claim to be personal financial advisers, but we aim to empower you with the resources and support to take charge of your financial future. Our sustainable life planning services benefit underserved communities that want to thrive and avoid unnecessary fees.


Don't wait to start your financial journey. Take control of your finances and feel confident running your own show with our practical and impartial support.


Watch this video to learn more about being wary of the "mischievous minority" who tap into your financial assets for fees.


What Investors need to know about Financial Adviser Fees.png


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